Friday, 10 May 2013

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Young Henry's Hop Ale

6 per cent. Not as hoppy as feared. A soft pale ale. Enough of a hop bite, but not as frightening as some of the piss you've had recently.

Young Henry's Real Ale

4% cask drawn, schooner glass

Colder than your UK cask ale, deep auburn colour. Soft and mellow on the palate. Does recall what it's ripping off. Seeing you can't score this stuff, it's a green light, tiger!

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Thomas Cooper's Selection Celebration Ale

Bottle conditioned ale. Thin, light pearly head, ran away fairly quickly. No real nose. As dark as a mid brown can be, but a surprisingly light taste. I expected more to be there, but I'm only getting a mild nuttyness, and that's about it. 150 years and onward, Cooper family. Thanks for the otherwise excellent beer.

Coopers Dr Tims

Can conditioned ale. Very ordinary. Not sure why they bothered.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Kozel Dark, Plzensky Pradzdroj, Plzen, Czech Republic

500mL crown seal
Armik Group Pty Ltd, Dandenong, Victoria

Light and easy drinking for a dark - surprisingly light, given the colour and style, mild. If you were going gto go for a session dark, this would be a good choice, but there's not much flavour to back it up.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Young's Double Chocolate Stout, Bedfordshire, England

 500mL Crown sealed bottle

Young's Double Chocolate Stout
Wells and Young's
Bedford, Bedfordshire, England

It's a bit of a novelty beer, given the added "chocolate flavour", but it's an easy drinker, and it does the job as a substantial, creamy, mellow beer to round off the night.